1. Abstract
This document is about the technical details and how you can use Ezishipping Warehouse API to create orders, lookup orders, search orders, stock count global level, stock count specific warehouse level. This document will illustrate how you can use our API technology to perform the above tasks.
2. Before you start
You need to apply to get a username and key for Warehouse API access. Once your request is approved you will have Username, Key and Customer ID sent to you.
Any API Integration should not have more than 2 API calls per min. Any accounts that exceed this limit may be notified, and any excessive calls may be blocked.
4. Required Information
The client sends EziShipping a request in the following format and if it meets all the criteria the response will be in a JSON format with the tracking information.
The Request details are as below:
HTTP Methods | POST |
Authentication method | Basic Auth |
API URL MRL Logistics |
https://api.mrllogistics.com/v3.4/customers/{CustomerID}/orders/ |
API URL Sampson Express |
https://api.sampsonexpress.com.au/v3.4/customers/{CustomerID}/orders/ |
The below information will be provided to by the IT department when API access activates on your account.
- API Username
- API Key (Password)
- Customer ID
- Account Number
- Account Name
- Carrier Account Number
5. Order API Request (Post)
Use below POST request to Create an Order in the warehouse via API.
Use below URL and below variables to submit your Order. Upon successful submission, the system will respond with your order number autogenerated by our system for that specific order you placed and the order status name and code.
Response will be in JSON.
Variable | Description |
{customer_id} | This is the Customer ID provided to you by the carrier |
{APIVersion} | Type the API version your using to POST or GET |
{accountNumber} | Supplied by the carrier |
{accountName} | Supplied by the carrier |
{warehouseAccountNumber} | Supplied by the carrier |
isDraft | “Y”/ ”N”: send Y to send the order as a draft mode |
requiredDate | Date – Date Order should be processed |
deliveryType | CP for Customer Pickup
CCP Customer Carrier Pickup If this field is not provided or its value is blank it will be defaulted to MRL. |
pickupFromCompany | Pickup company name (You can define the new address on the “Addresses” page on MRL portal) |
ref1 | Reference 1 |
ref2 | Reference 2 |
addressCode | Unique Address Code |
Company | Delivery Company Name |
Contact | Delivery Contact Name |
Number | Delivery Address Phone Number |
address1 | Delivery Address–Line 1 |
address2 | Delivery Address–Line 2 |
suburb | Delivery Address-Town |
state | Delivery Address-State |
postcode | Delivery Address-Postcode |
Delivery Email Address | |
sku | Sku Code |
qty | Quantity |
expiry | Date, serial, other texts |
instructions | Delivery Instructions |
6. Sample API Request
{ "accountNumber": "123456", "accountName": "Account Name", "warehouseAccountNumber": "ABC1234", "pickupFromCompany": "Sender Company", "requiredDate": "2020-02-01", "ref1": "ref1 test", "ref2": "ref2 test", "addressCode": "", "address1": "123 Test street", "suburb": "Sydney", "state": "NSW", "postcode": "2000", "company": "Company Name", "contact": "Contact", "number": "1300 123 456", "items": [{ "sku": "Product1", "qty": 3, "expiry": "0" }, { "sku": "Product2", "qty": 5, "expiry": "0" } ] }
7. Sample JSON Response
Below is an example of the response the system autogenerate. The response may differ in future should the API system be updated. See below highlighted in yellow.
{ "success": true, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "" }, "response": { "orderNo": "BVW12345", "orderDate": "2020-02-01", "accountNumber": "1234567", "accountName": "API Test", " pickupFromCompany ": " Sender Company", "warehouseAccountNumber": "ABC1234", "status": "Order Placed", "statusCode": "ORDPLC", "connote": "", "ref1": "123123", "ref2": "Af asfdasd", "requiredDate": "2020-02-01", "instructions": "", "address": { "addressCode": "", "address1": "123 street", "address2": "", "suburb": "Sydney", "state": "NSW", "postcode": "2000", "company": "asdasd", "contact": "asdsd", "number": "2323423", "email": "" }, "items": [{ "sku": "Product1", "productName": "Product 1 - TEST", "qty": "3", "expiry": "0" }, { "sku": "Product2", "productName": "Product 2 - TEST", "qty": "5", "expiry": "0" } ] } }
Field | Description | Max Size | Type | Comment | Required | Example Value |
1. | Line Identifier | 1 | Char | Value must be ‘W’ | YES | W for Warehouse |
2. | API Version | 6 | Char | Type the API version your using to POST or GET | YES | V2.2 |
3. | accountNumber | 7 | Integer | Supplied by MRL Logistics. | YES | 6789141 |
4. | accountName | 50 | Char | Supplied by MRL Logistics. | YES | Test Client |
5. | warehouseAccountNumber | 7 | Char | Supplied by MRL Logistics. | YES | WRH9141 |
6. | requiredDate | 8 | Date | Date – Date Order should be processed | YES | 20140330 |
7. | Service Type | N/A | Char | S-Standard
P-Priority |
NO | S |
8. | pickupFromCompany | Char | Please see the below description (1) | NO | Sender COmpany | |
9. | Sender Ref 1 | 15 | Char | Customer Value Max 20 Char | YES | ORD671264 |
10. | Sender Ref 2 | 15 | Char | Customer Value Max 100 Char | NO | Inv12312 |
11. | addressCode | 7 | Char | Unique Address Code | Yes | CLI3265 |
12. | Delivery Company Name | 50 | Char | NO | John Corp | |
13. | Delivery Contact Name | 40 | Char | YES | John Smith | |
14. | Delivery Address – Phone | N/A | Char | Max 25 char | NO | 0299224466 |
15. | Delivery Address–Line 1 | 30 | Char | YES | Tower Building | |
16. | Delivery Address–Line 2 | 30 | Char | NO | level 4 | |
17. | Delivery Address-Town | 30 | Char | Suburb name | YES | MELBOURNE |
18. | Delivery Address-State | 3 | Integer | abbreviation | YES | VIC |
19. | Delivery Address-Postcode | 4 | Integer | 4 digits only | YES | 3000 |
20. | Delivery Email Address | 60 | Char | Max 60 Char | NO | [email protected] |
21. | Sku | 10 | Char | Sku code | YES | MRB001 |
22. | Product name | 20 | Char | Product name linked to the sku | NO | MARS BAR |
23. | Qty | 100 | Integer | Minimum 1 | YES | 20 |
24. | expiry | Test | Date, serial, other texts | YES | 0 for blank | |
25. | Instructions | 40 | Char | Delivery Instrucions | No | Call prior to delivery |
(1) Pickup company name (You can define the new address on the “Addresses” page on MRL portal). Please note The State of this address should be the same as Warehouse Account used on this query.
8. Lookup Order API Request (Get)
Use below GET request to lookup an Order in the warehouse via API.
Use below URL to submit a GET Request and lookup an Order. Upon successful submission, the system will respond with your order number autogenerated by our system for that specific order you placed and the order status name and code.
https://api.mrllogistics.com/{API VERSION}/customers/{CustomerId}/orders/{OrderNo}
Response will be in JSON.
Sample Response:
{ "success": true, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "" }, "response": { "orderNo": "BVW67398", "orderDate": "2018-02-14", "accountNumber": "2715915", "accountName": "API Test", "warehouseAccountNumber": "WRH5916", "status": "Order Placed", "statusCode": "ORDPLC", "connote": "", "ref1": "123123", "ref2": "Af asfdasd", "requiredDate": "2018-02-15", "instructions": "", "address": { "addressCode": "", "address1": "123 street", "address2": "", "suburb": "Sydney", "state": "NSW", "postcode": "2000", "company": "asdasd", "contact": "asdsd", "number": "2323423", "email": "" }, "items": [{ "sku": "Product1", "productName": "Product 1 - TEST", "qty": "1", "expiry": "0" }, { "sku": "Product2", "productName": "Product 2 - TEST", "qty": "1", "expiry": "0" } ] } }
Use below GET request to search Order in the warehouse via API using special parameters such as record number start and end, search by reference, search by order date period from and to. See below example.
Use below URL to submit a GET Request to Search an Order with specific request. Upon successful submission, the system will respond with your search results autogenerated by our system for that specific order criteria your searched.
https://api.mrllogistics.com/{API Version}/customers/{Customer id}/orders/?recordStart={number}&recordEnd={number}&sortDir=[ASC/DESC]&SortBy={Field Name}&searchQuery=&searchBy=&orderDateStart={StartDate}&orderDateEnd={EndDate}
Sample GET URL:
Response will be in JSON.
Sample Response:
{ "success": true, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "" }, "response": { "total": "13", "recordStart": 1, "recordEnd": 2, "records": [{ "row_number": "1", "orderNo": "BVW67414", "orderDate": "2018-02-14", "accountNumber": "2715915", "accountName": "API Test", "warehouseAccountNumber": "WRH5916", "status": "Order Placed", "statusCode": "ORDPLC", "connote": "", "ref1": "123123", "ref2": "Af asfdasd", "requiredDate": "2018-02-15", "instructions": "", "address": { "addressCode": "", "address1": "123 street", "address2": "", "suburb": "Sydney", "state": "NSW", "postcode": "2000", "company": "asdasd", "contact": "asdsd", "number": "2323423", "email": "" } }, { "row_number": "2", "orderNo": "BVW67413", "orderDate": "2018-02-14", "accountNumber": "2715915", "accountName": "API Test", "warehouseAccountNumber": "WRH5916", "status": "Order Placed", "statusCode": "ORDPLC", "connote": "", "ref1": "123123", "ref2": "Af asfdasd", "requiredDate": "2018-02-15", "instructions": "instruct1", "address": { "addressCode": "", "address1": "123 street", "address2": "", "suburb": "Sydney", "state": "NSW", "postcode": "2000", "company": "asdasd", "contact": "asdsd", "number": "2323423", "email": "" } } ] } }
Use below GET request to get the latest stock count of all your sku’s in MRL Logistics warehouse locations through API call. It will provide a response with all the stock counts for all your sku’s in all MRL Logistics warehouse locations.
Use below URL to submit a GET Request Stock Count at Global Level. Upon successful submission, the system will respond with the following:
sku code, product name, threshold, On Hold, Balance, Warehouse Account Number,
Warehouse Code.
GET Request:
Sample GET Request:
https://api.mrllogistics.com/{API Version}/customers/330/stocks/
Sample Response:
{ "success": true, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "" }, "response": { "total": 2, "records": [ { "sku": "Product1", "productName": "Product 1 - TEST", "threshold": "0", "onHold": "8", "balance": 492, "warehouseAccountNumber": null, "warehouse": null }, { "sku": "Product2", "productName": "Product 2 - TEST", "threshold": "0", "onHold": "10", "balance": 890, "warehouseAccountNumber": null, "warehouse": null } ] } }
Use below GET request to get the latest stock count in the selected warehouse via API using special parameters such as warehouse number to identify which warehouse you wish to get the stock count. It will provide a response with all the stock counts for all your sku’s in specific warehouse you have selected.
Use below URL to submit a GET Request Stock Count at Warehouse Account Level. Upon successful submission, the system will respond with the following:
sku code, product name, threshold, On Hold, Balance, Warehouse Account Number,
Warehouse Code, autogenerated by our system for that specific account.
Get Request:
http://api.mrllogistics.com/ {APIVersion}/customers/{customer_id}/stocks/{WarehouseId:WRHxxxx}
Sample Response Request:
Response will be in JSON.
If you require any further information / assistance, please feel free to contact us through https://www.mrlglobal.com/contact-us/.